

Best Expert Reviews  gives unbiased reviews about the products and include the negative and positives of the product. We bring guest reviews from various experts to ensure that our reviews are of the highest quality.

We recognize the immense power of the written word online and offline and want to help the next generation of eCommerce and online entrepreneurs exhibit their abilities in this area.

Examples of Review Pages Best Electric Smoker Reviews and Best Vacuum Sealer Reviews

We also understand the tremendous knowledge, the varied and diverse perspective that a person from this generation of undergraduate and postgraduate studies has over various facets of the online, socially integrated world.

We have created the BER eCommerce Annual Scholarship for Undergraduate or Postgraduate students in 2016 with a passion for “online social marketing” to receive $1,000 award. This is the third consecutive successful year of the Scholarship.

Though there is no restriction for the eligibility of this scholarship, students who are currently studying in the area of Marketing, Business, IT or Communications may find this scholarship program more relevant. It doesn’t require any expertise in this area, passion for internet marketing content creation is enough.

If you find this scholarship beneficial and you believe you can achieve it, please contact us with the relevant details.

General Terms of Participation

To participate in this scholarship program you will have to research and create a thesis of 5,000+ words on the subject. “Impact of Reviews on eCommerce Sales in 2018”.

The main points to be taken into consideration are:

  • Evolving online buying behaviour
  • Impact of price on an online purchase decision vs impact of a social recommendation.
  • Mobile Access
  • Multi-channel shopping
  • Social selling
  • Online Loyalty programs
  • Beacon Technology

The winner will be awarded $1,000/- that can be used either in course materials or other resources.

Eligibility and Creativity

  1. This scholarship is only applicable for students that are currently enrolled in colleges, universities or high schools.
  2. The thesis must be unique and creative.
  3. The thesis with be assessed on parameters of research, data collated, relevance of points and depth of the research conducted.
  4. Any referenced content should be attributed
  5. Attributed and referenced content should not be more than 20% of the thesis


The panel of assessors may include the alumni of:

  1. Columbia University, New York,
  2. Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA,
  3. Alpha to Omega, UK,
  4. University of Texas at Austin, USA,
  5. University of Waterloo, Canada
  6. University of Southern California, USA

How to Submit your Application

Register with us on scholarship (@) or our contact form with Scholarship as the subject line.

Write a Thesis of 5,000+ words and Submit to us via a word .doc file with the details listed below.

  • Personal Details (First & Last Name, Phone, and Address).
  • School Name.
  • Area of Study.
  • Any document which can proof that you are a Student.

By submitting your article, you give us the right over the content in the thesis.

All decisions of the assessors are final.


The final date for submission is November 30th, 2018 and we will choose the winner by December 15th, 2018 and the check will be mailed by December 20th, 2018.

The $1,000 check will be drawn on your name but will sent directly to your college.

This is an annual scholarship program.